Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Pam and Joann

The weekend didn't go as I planned. I wanted to go test drive the Mustang but I didn't have the time. The father of one of my oldest and dearest friends, Joann, passed away last week. I spent a lot of time with her and her family this weekend. It was wonderful to have all of us together for an extended time, but the circumstances were horrible. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Joe Britt. He was a wonderful father, grandfather and friend to many. He is missed.

Events like the death of a loved one remind you how important friends are. I would do pretty much anything for my friends (except commit a serious crime, hahaha), and I know a bunch of them who would do the same for me. They are the friends you may not talk to or see every day or week, but you know when you need them they will pull through for you.

Pam, Joann and I have been friends since kindergarten. That's a LONG time.......30 years. We've had tons of laughs, we've gone on vacations together, we've argued, we've agreed, we've disagreed, and we have remained friends for 30 years. Pam and Joann stood by me for hours on end when my Mom passed away, that was the most horrible few days in my life yet I made it though it because of friends like Pam and Joann. I can't thank them enough for what they did.

They also never forget a birthday or anniversary. I know that on any special occasion there are always 2 cards in my mailbox, one from Pam, one from Joann. They are the best friends a person could have and I am grateful that they are mine.

I love you two!


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