Sunday, January 15, 2006

Click click..."There's no place like home" click click

I survived the trip to Manayunk. It was a good time. During Mike's MAC Promotor's meeting I met up with a friend of mine Tara and we hit the closest bar for a drink, food and chocolate cake!
Then we walked around and shopped for a little, trying not to blow away in the 40 mile per hour wind and rain. Fun.

Tara dropped me off at the bike shop at 6 and I waited until the meeting was over for Mike to join me. I had to laugh..........3 or 4 people walked by and said to me "Hey- Jackie Brown"...funny. They had a nice awards ceremony and I finally got to put some faces to the names I hear alot. The party started to wrap up around 8 so Mike and I began to pack up and head to the parking lot/garage.

Now......this is interesting..........we get to the garage (still the 40mph wind and SNOW) carrying a laptop, a large cooler and a box of something or other and voila, there's the Jeep. Parked in by some fancy schmancy Infinity. The Valet comes over to move the Infinity and "OOPS- I don't know how to turn the engine on". You can imagine what was flying out of my mouth at this knucklehead. WTF! This car has a 'smart key' but you cannot turn the engine on without the 'real key' which the moron at the garage didn't keep when the owner parked the damn thing!
FURY was rising in me as I sat in the Jeep with the window down telling 3 grown men to "READ THE OWNERS MANUAL FOLKS!" Mike got the manual out (meanwhile the 'moron' who works there is going about his business, not really helping) and still couldn't figure this thing out. I'm yelling "put it in neutral and push the damn thing back 10 feet". It was an interesting scene. Fort James stuck around and tried to help for a few, then took off. About 5 minutes after he took off, Mike was still sitting in the driver's seat of this car and here come the owners..........5 of them. Uh-oh. This TALL dude with serious dreads walks in and goes "hey- that's my car". I immediately start yelling out the window of the Jeep "I'm sooooo glad you are here! I've never been so happy to see someone!!!" They laughed. They also told us that they TOLD the moron valet that he could NOT move the car without the key.....which he didn't ask them to leave. IDIOT.

So we left. Finally. Interesting drive home. Very windy, snow, some sleet and ONIONS. I don't know what those Greeks marinated the onions in that were in the wraps, but I bet if I go out to the Jeep right now I can still smell them. I kept opening Mike's window and making him exhale out the window. Gross.

We finally got home around 10:30 to NO FREAKING ELECTRICITY! Yep- NONE. No power whatsoever. I called Wendy to ask how long this BS had been going on. She said since 8pm. So we lit some candles, changed into sweats and hopped in bed. Freezing cold. I then woke up at 5am and noticed the clock was blinking so I came downstairs to check the temperature. FIFTY-F&$%ING-SIX! The thermostat was not back on. I pulled it off the wall and shoved it back on and it came on reading 56. It's been running since 5 and it's not 11:20 and we're finally up to 66.......ah............heatwave.

Now that my neck is sore from sleeping in the tundra in a screwed up position trying to keep warm, I may just need to go get a massage.

I hope you all had a nice weekend and kept warmer than we did!


Blogger Jackie Brown said...

Yes, it was definitely the cherry on top. Then of course the nuts were added when we got home to no electricity!

5:40 PM


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