Monday, December 26, 2005

Rippin and Tearin

Ahh...the day has come and gone. Ripping and tearing open Christmas presents! What fun!
Santa was great to both of us!

Me and the 'legend' got up and opened our gifts here in the morning. Mr. Legend got a Park Tool bike stand to so he can work on his bikes without hanging them from the basement ceiling. He also got new riding shoes, pants and a winter jersey. Then there's the obligatory ties, gift certificates and other stuff.

Santa brought me accessories for my laptop, an ipod nano- yep-holds 1,000 songs in something similar to the size of a matchbook. Love it! Gift cards, clothes, 2 purses......great stuff!

We traveled over to my brothers around 10am and got to see the nieces open stuff. They were having a great time. They especially loved the Bella Danceralla thing.They were dancing when we left. Dad and Susan were there as well and they did GREAT with the shopping! We got gift certificates, hand made potterey from a local vendor and goodies from their trip to Germany. Awesome!

Then back home around noon to shower and get ready for Frank, Jackie, Eric & Julie (Mike's dad, girlfriend, Mike's brother and his wife). They hung out here for a few hours then into the car and over to Carolyns (mother-in-law) we went. We ate and ate and we always do at Carolyns because she's the best cook in the state! We opened gifts there, got to visit with Mike's grandparents, then home to the couch we came.

We watched The Interpreter.......great flick. I had to keep changing positions on the couch to stay awake because of all the food I ate. Maybe I should exercise.........nah. Didn't get to see Scott and Wendy on Christmas because we were all out and about visiting our peeps. We will see them tonight.

Today we're off to Maryland for the "Parker Family Christmas Party"....Mike's mom's side of the family. Always a great time! (more on this later because the Chinese christmas thing is always hilarious and definitely worth it's own post!) We're heading to Mike's cousin Chrissy's house around 1ish for lunch and gift exchange. Luckly the Ravens played yesterday so they won't be wearing those nasty purple & black camo's they all had on at the Christmas party last year!

Have a great day!


Blogger dk said...

harass any hobos down in Maryland?

8:14 PM

Blogger Jackie Brown said...

Nope, it was a hobo free day! The only person that got harassed was the usual.

5:16 PM


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