Saturday, February 09, 2008

Thursday at the Theatre

Dan and I went to Hershey to see Spamalot on Thursday. It was hilarious.
I never really got into Monty Python all that much, but I've heard quotes from it over and over for the past years and I had to laugh. A friend has a cousin who's in the show and he finagled front row balcony seats for us. Superb. The show was hilarious.

Friday was my crazy-mixed-up-social-schedule-faux-pas.
Totally forgot about Bunko, made other plans, ugh. Anyway.....I went to both.
Boston Creme attended Bunko with me where I won for the most losses....go figure.
Then off to Dan's house for the get together that I arranged and completely forgot about.
The Captains on Acids were pouring freely and a certain individual was rather trashed and leaving me voice mails asking where I was, when I was coming over, etc. etc. At least she didn't sing "Oh Playmate......" to me this week!

A few hours of Wii bowling and boxing, a little PS2 Karaoke, a few drinks and I was ready for beddie bye.

Today I did a mountain of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and I'm off to the movies at some point tonight. I was delighted to wake up at 10:30ish and see snow! Although it's gone now, it was great while it lasted! I feel a blizzard coming soon.........check the farmers almanac. Last year on 2/14 we got a nice snow, maybe we'll get it again this year!

Have a great weekend.


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